15. Jan 2023
Photo: Pixabay

As long as the demand is greater than the supply, apartment prices will go up, architect Branka Bošnjak told RTS, commenting on the fact that real estate markets around the world are "cooling down" while in Serbia the prices per square meter are still rising.

In addition to buyers from Serbia, there are more and more foreigners who decide to invest money in the purchase of real estate in Serbia. In the last few years, the expansion of the construction industry has been evident, primarily in residential construction.

"Demand is increasing as a result of the recent large influx of new residents to Belgrade, but the economic crisis also brings the idea of investing in real estate. All this raises the price of real estate, but such high prices are generated by construction in luxury residential buildings. Those luxury settlements gave huge prices, which spilled over to the prices in the central city municipalities, and thus the prices in the suburban settlements also went up," architect Branka Bošnjak told RTS, reports

According to her, the new General Plan will define many more zones for new construction, and when the legalization procedure is complete, a fund of new legally registered apartments will be created.

"I expect that in the next year or two the prices will consolidate, and after that they will fall," Bošnjak said.

With the completion of the population census, as she pointed out, conditions have been created to create a new General Plan, which defines the complete development of the city.

"This General Plan should solve a very large number of problems because it should be both rehabilitative and developmental. Rehabilitative because it needs to solve the problems of traffic, housing in suburban settlements, which are often unhygienic and environmentally unfavorable," said Branka Bošnjak.



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