19. Feb 2022
Photo: Pixabay

In December 2021, 2,916 building permits were issued, presenting the increase of 34.3% related to December 2020, according to Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.

Out of the total number of permits issued in December 2021, 84.3% related to buildings and 15.7% to civil engineering. When referring only to buildings, 79.3% related to residential buildings and 20.7% to non–residential ones, while regarding civil engineering, the largest number related to pipelines, communication and electric power lines (66.5%).  

According to the permits issued in December 2021 in the Republic of Serbia, building of 3,174 dwellings with average area of 71.0 m2 was recorded.

Out of the total number of dwellings in new residential buildings, 10.5% of dwellings will be built in single-dwelling buildings, with average area of 145.5 m², and 88.0% of dwellings will be in buildings with three and more dwellings, with significantly smaller average area of 60.9 m².

Anticipated value of new construction works in December 2021 amounted to 72.6% of totally anticipated value of works.

Observed by areas, the greatest construction activity is expected in Beogradska oblast (18.9%) of totally anticipated value of works (85 million euros), followed by Kolubarska oblast (15.9%), Južnobačka oblast (12.4%), Sremska oblast (10.3%) and Šumadijska oblast (9.1%), while the shares of other areas are up to 6.0%, as stated in the report of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia.




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