13. Mar 2022
Photo: Pixabay

HERE Technologies, a world leader in services of digital mapping and location services, will map parts of Serbia from this spring, using a high-precision 3D technology as part of the efforts to offer the most advanced maps of the world, according to

HERE, as said, is open platform which collects precise data on roads and panoramic images at a street-level, using advanced technology for the taking and processing of these data, while honoring and protecting privacy, to the end of helping cities manage their infrastructure, supporting companies optimize the use of their resources and aiding drivers in route management to the target destination.

The company plans to ride the streets of Serbia between March and September 2022, using a car equipped with the most modern technology for the taking of high-precision data on roads, including vertical and horizontal traffic signalization. A clearly marked HERE car will also take 3D and panoramic images of streets, as well as points of interest such as stores, gas stations and restaurants.

The information will be used for the preparation of rich and detailed maps of Serbia, designed to support highly autonomous vehicles and other advanced services which increase road safety, reduce traffic jams and enable people to maneuver urban areas more easily, the announcement says.

It is added that the entire procedure of taking images is carried out without stopping the vehicle or affecting the regular flow of the traffic.

“The collected panoramic street images are first stored in the vehicle and then transferred in an encrypted form and kept in a secure facility. The images are further processed by using advance algorithms for detecting and blurring faces and license plates. Panoramic images are only published once the faces and the license plates have been blurred”, HERE points out in the press release.



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