11. May 2022
Photo: Prinstcreen

The French Parliament recently approved a new law requiring all new commercial buildings to have their roofs partly covered with plants or solar panels.

The new requirement will apply to all new buildings in commercial zones. Initially, the proposal posed by French environmental activists was for the roofs to be completely covered by greenery.

Although only partially, the obligatory covering of roofs with greenery and solar modules will make a big step towards sustainable cities and infrastructure, while on the other hand it will not bring great financial burdens for business owners.

Those who opt for solar panels may not have to worry about additional costs because solar power plants payoff themselves in six to seven years, reports

Owners of green roofs will be able to enjoy an enriched public space that acts as additional insulation of the building and reduces carbon dioxide emissions, and may even succeed in profiting if they grow food on the roof of their building.

From January 1 2022, all residents of the city of Kalisz in Poland who decide to green their roofs and facades will be exempt from paying property taxes.

When it comes to greening facades, it is necessary that at least one wall is covered with vines and other greenery and that the root of this plant is in the ground. Residential communities that already have vertical gardens installed can also apply for the program.

According to the statement of the mayor of Kalisz, green walls and roofs are a good way to improve the air quality in the city and increase the quality of life.



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